Year of the Water Rabbit Goals

Jeff Wigman


  • Encourage and support Shambhalians to engage in individual and community environmental actions.
  • Partner with like-minded organizations, such as GreenFaith, including the potential of co-creating and leading events/programs.


  • Facilitate events that continue to serve the community, such as: Earth Salon, Planet A Book & Movie Club, Holding Grief with an Open Heart, Climate Cafe, Global Equinox Lhasangs.
  • Foster the outdoor elemental connections and perceptions throughout Shambhala culture, particularly focusing on Nyida Days and including families and children.

Land Centers

  • Work with Drala Mountain Center, Karmê Chöling, Sky Lake and Dorje Khyung Dzong to deliver Bess Foundation grant outcomes, landing Ecodharma at the heart of Shambhala.
  • Build support and relationships with Dorje Denma Ling, Dechen Chöling and Casa Werma.
  • Continue fundraising/membership drive, building valued relationships with major donors.
  • Create travel offset donation scheme for land center attendees.

Growing the Collective

  • Increase STEC visibility, including outreach to European City Centers.

Practice & Education

  • Work with senior teachers to identify specific Shambhala teachings that are relevant to the plight of and love for the Earth.
  • Embed Earth Warriorship within the Way of Shambhala.
  • Develop a Touching the Earth Camp with a land center.
  • Work with Sun Camp leadership to embed Earth Warriorship.

Online Presence

  • Create new easily navigable and updateable website which is easily accessible through and
  • Continue to use the google group, the newsletter and other forms of social media to build awareness and share information.
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