Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective

When human beings live in harmony with the principles of heaven and earth, then the four seasons and the elements of the world will also work together harmoniously. Then there is no fear and human beings begin to join in, as they deserve, in living in this world.
(Chögyam Trungpa: ​Shambhala — The Sacred Path of the Warrio​r)

Mission: Why are we doing this work?

  • ORGANIZATIONAL PURPOSE To inspire and engage the warriors of the Touching the Earth Collective to uphold the healthy sustainability of the sacred living environment for all beings.
  • FUNDAMENTAL REASON FOR EXISTENCE Clearly seeing the need for an urgent response to human caused environmental degradation, Touching the Earth warriors invite individual and collective action for the rebalancing, protection and celebration of a healthy living world.
  • WHAT THE ORGANIZATION WILL DO TO ACHIEVE ITS PURPOSE To maintain a compassionate space to facilitate the sharing of information, inspirations and initiatives to effect a wide range of environmental actions.

Vision: Where are we going?

  • Compelling picture of the future if we fulfill our mission
    Touching the Earth warriors acting bravely to rebalance, protect and preserve the sacred living world for continuous generations.
  • The world as it should be When human beings live in harmony with the principles of heaven and earth, then the four seasons and the elements of the world will also work together harmoniously.
    Chögyam Trungpa: ​Shambhala — The Sacred Path of the Warrio​r

Values: Our Guiding Principles

  • Standards to uphold while fulfilling the mission and vision
  1. We respect the basic goodness of every being.
  2. We honour the voice of each person and recognize the power and creativity within collective diverse inquiry.
  3. We welcome surprise and humour.
  4. We welcome all who are in accord with the Mission, Vision and Values described here to participate in the Touching the Earth Collective.
  5. Time is of the essence.
2024-10-22 17:00:38