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Location: Deborah Luscomb

Walking with Sequoias

The Earth Salon
an initiative of Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective

Walking with Sequoias

with Ruth Wallen

Sunday, April 9th, 2023 Noon – 1:30 pm ADT
(11am – 12:30 pm Eastern)

Let’s walk together. For more than a decade I have been following the same trails repeatedly, walking with trees, bearing witness to their increasing distress due to the intertwined impacts of beetles, both native and introduced, drought, fire, and climate change. In this presentation we will walk with the sequoias, one of the longest-lived beings on earth, after many were consumed in fires of 2020 and 2021. In image and story, I will share experiences of gratitude, grief, and vision. Together we will explore how Buddhist wisdom and practice can be vital to fully experiencing the wonder of being alive, staying present with an open heart, cultivating compassion, developing the courage to grieve, and igniting the will to address the perilous course of ecological decline.


Passcode: sacred

Ruth Wallen is a multi-media artist and writer whose work is dedicated to encouraging dialogue around ecological and social justice. After working as an environmental scientist, she turned to art to pose questions beyond disciplinary boundaries, address values informing environmental policy, and contribute to the developing field of ecological art. Her photographs, interactive installations, nature walks, web sites, artist books, performative lectures, and writing have been widely exhibited and distributed. She is core faculty in the MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts at Goddard College and a senior teacher in the Shambhala community. Last spring she was a Lenz fellow at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Her website is www.ruthwallen.net.

The monthly Earth Salons are an initiative of the Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective, and are curated and facilitated by Deborah Luscomb,
with occasional guest ‘experts’.

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Any funds contributed will be used to offer honorariums to our guest speakers.

Deborah Luscomb
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2024-09-16 20:27:34