At the individual and household level, having lost their home in the Fourmile wildfire of 2010, he is somewhat a Climate Refugee. Starting in 2015, they have reduced their carbon footprints from 17 MT (Metric Tons GHG) to 2 MT: the Earth’s carrying capacity is 3 MT: a personal reduction from 100 pounds/day to 12 pounds/day. Workingnspb;with a modest 60-year-old home, this is an 87% reduction in GHG Emissions in 4 years.
David works at the individual, household, neighborhood, congregational, city, county, region, state, nation, and global scales.
The monthly Earth Salons are an initiative of the Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective, and are curated and facilitated by Deborah Luscomb, with occasional guest ‘experts’.