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Calling All Warriors: Earth Day, April 22

When human beings lose their connection to nature, to heaven and earth, then they do not know how to nurture their environment or how to rule their world – which is saying the same thing

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Earth Day is Saturday, April 22nd The Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective (STEC) encourages each of us to join in unison with millions of others on all continents to honour, celebrate and protect our only precious living environment. British Shambhalian Greg Webster is taking part in a huge gathering in front of Westminster with XR Buddhists and 70 other organizations.In upstate New York, Sky Lake Retreat Centre is having a work party to spring freshen their grounds. STEC Halifax is marching in the The People’s Parade for Life on Earth holding a large banner proclaiming the CTR quote ‘Never give up. Never ever give up’.   And across the wide expanse of Shambhala, families might walk in spruce scented woods, dig in rich garden soils or gaze at the night sky’s incomprehensible beauty.  Don your armour and behold in whatever manner you can. Earth Day, Saturday, April 22.

2024-09-16 20:19:39