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Warriorship in a Burning World

Allowing ourselves to acknowledge just how serious the climate crisis and biodiversity loss is, and how human activity has led to this destruction – can lead to deep feelings of grief, anger, impotence,  overwhelm, confusion and paralysis. What can we do in the face of such overwhelming and tragic information?

In this workshop we will begin by seeing and grounding ourselves in what we can be grateful for right now. What is good and right. We still have eyes to see, loved ones to love, beautiful words and music to hear and so on. Allowing gratitude to arise can redress the imbalance we might feel without belittling other difficult feelings.

Doing so can prepare us for facing the feelings that hold us back or feel too big to face, frighten us or enrage us. And as difficult as it is, acknowledging and sharing these feelings can free us to act and give purpose to our lives. When we act we we begin to feel as if we are making a difference and as a result feel more hopeful.

But what do we do, how do we act? For act we must.

This programme will take place in person at the London Shambhala Meditation Centre but can also be attended online – Please contact Katrina on [email protected] if you would like to participate remotely.

Greg Webster is a Trustee of his local Wildlife Trust (BBOWT), and Chair of ecological consultancy Future Nature WTC. He has practiced in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche since 2012, sits on the steering group of Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective, and has completed EcoSattva training with One Earth Sangha.

Colin Tracy has been a Shambhala practitioner since 1999 and recognises that the Shambhala teachings have much to offer our human ravaged world.  He has helped run a meditation group in Dorchester, Dorset for twenty years. Three years ago he initiated and now helps run a community sustainability group in the village where he lives and is a trustee of the Dorset Climate Action Network.


Arrival from 9.30am, sitting will start at 10.00am, the day closes at 5pm.



The cost is £35.

A concession fee of £25 is available to anyone that has an annual income below £25,000, and of £20 is available to anyone that has an annual income below £20,000. Please contact [email protected] to arrange a concession or with any other questions.

We do not want cost to be a barrier to anyone attending and understand that these are challenging times financially for many people – please do not hesitate to contact us if you require a further concession.

Profits from this event are shared between the London Centre and the Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective.


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2024-07-27 15:39:41